  Download military terms oscar mike
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download military terms oscar mike

DATE: 15.06.2012
author: kinverthgus

military terms oscar mike

  • Glossary of Military Terms & Slang from the Vietnam War K-P

  • Best Answer: I suspect it means O.M. But what does that stand for? There are probably many possibilities. In a text message it might mean "Oh my!" You can.
    Glossary of Military Terms & Slang from the Vietnam War K. MIKE military phonetic for the letter 'M' mike-mike. OSCAR military phonetic for the letter 'O' OSS
    mad max – term for a military vehicle that is irregular in appearance due to repairs. Oscar Mike – On the Move, the names of the two NATO phonetic alphabet letters O.
    Look up military alphabet. that oscar -mike thing is the military alphabet.. A good example is the term "Charlie" which used to me the bad.

    DOD Dictionary of Military Terms : From this page you can. Mike: Mary: Mike: Milano: Martha: Madagascar: N-* November: Nelli. Charlie Oscar Oscar Lima!!! 1: Jan 16 2010, 4:01 AM EST by.
    What does Oscar Mike mean in military terms? | ChaCha

    List of United States Marine Corps acronyms and expressions.

    What does Oscar Mike mean in military terms? ChaCha Answer: In military lingo, Oscar Mike stands for "on the move" and is derived fro...
    What doze Oscar mike mean in the military - The Q&A wiki
    What Does Oscar Mike Mean
    Military Slang and/or Jargon Glossary - NCIS
    Military lingo, translation help? - Yahoo! Answers
    What dose Oscar mike mean in the miltery? In the MILITARY, the term "Oscar Mike", is used to say "On the move". Oscar standing for O, Mike standing for M.

    In military terms, what does the phrase "Oscar Mike" mean? - Yahoo.

    military terms oscar mike Oscar Mike Definition

    Military Alphabet List of established military terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Oscar Mike Shirts What does Oscar Mike mean? - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Oscar MicMilitary Phonetic Alphabet - United States Military Information Oscar Mike Oscar Mike Definition What Does Oscar Mike Mean Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta... What are the rest? In military terms, what does the phrase "Oscar Mike" mean? - Yahoo. We Are Oscar Mike Mos Military Term Define Oscar Mike .
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